October / November Sketchbook Recap

Amanda Michele Art Oct/Nov Sketchbook

“Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and…
stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to ‘walk about’
into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?”

— Wassily Kandinsky


The trend of my color usage mirroring the seasons has continued on into October and November’s sketchbooks. A lot of browns, greens and yellows creeping in and I’m honestly thrilled about it. I feel my sense of color expanding and growing and, in a way, maturing.

October was a busy month so sketchbook time wasn’t a strong of a focus but November was a bit freer and while at Thanksgiving in Arkansas I had a chance to do some sketching in my grandparents’ backyard.


Amanda Michele Oct/Nov Sketchbook

Amanda Michele Art Oct/Nov Sketchbook

Amanda Michele Art Oct/Nov Sketchbook

Amanda Michele Art Oct/Nov Sketchbook